• Identifying opportunities across portfolio of assays and systems by monitoring the market trends of respiratory and hospital associated infectious.
• Implement company level marketing strategy to expand the installation base of systems by offering appropriate assays according to the customer needs in the targeted segment, especially in hospitals.
• Provide daily sales support to commercial team and establish the sales tool system.
• Cultivate relationships with key opinion leaders and medical organizations in . Initiate the marketing campaign by fully leveraging global marketing resource. Build the KOLs pool of relevant product line and encourage the international academic activities.
• Drive Integrity & Compliance initiatives (e.g. Diagnostic Principles & Practices for Professionals Policy, Code of Conduct, Values & Behaviors), and actively create a culture of Diversity & Inclusion
• Learn, utilize and lead through Danaher Business System (DBS) principles
• Complete all assigned and required training satisfactorily and on time MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Education and Experience (in years):
• Bachelor’s degree required, experience in IVD preferred, Pharmaceutical or Med Device Marketing at county level desirable.
• 5+ years of experience of product management, in the medical or diagnostic industries.
Knowledge and skills:
• Communicates effectively with key stakeholder and strong capability on network management
• Excellent presentation skills; able to multi-task across broad number of products and disease state
• Fluent English
· 新华英才提示每一位求职者:我们严禁企业做出损害求职者合法权益的行为,包括但不限于传销、扣押证件/财物、付费培训、贷款、集资入股等行为!
· 如有此类信息,可通过网页底部的客服电话进行投诉操作!
在招7个职位 >
企业简介: 丹纳赫Danaher是一家全球科技创新企业,致力于帮助我们的客户解决复杂的挑战,提高世界各地的生活质量。我们的品牌在富有吸引力的行业中处于领先地位,如生命科学、医疗诊断、水质分析及工业产品标识行业。我们的共同文化和运营系统 (Danaher Business System 丹纳赫商务系统) 将我们全球20余家运营公司和67,000多名员工凝聚在一起,这是我们的竞争优势。2019年,我们的营收为198.9亿美元,并跻身《财富》美国500强第160强,我们的股票在20年内的表现比标准普尔500指数超出近2000%。 在Danaher,多元与包容的氛围充实并丰富着我们的企业文化。我们致力于招聘流程的优化,从而确保每一个空缺岗位都能招募到最合适的优秀候选人。我们将坚定不移地推进该战略,从而让我们管理层和普通员工团队变得更多元化。我们并未针对特定群体给出额外的招聘名额或招聘偏好;我们的目标是为空缺岗位匹配最合适的人才,这其中也包括职场代表人数不足的候选人群体。